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My Thought of How to Contribute to Sustainable Development Goals When I was a Young Student

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This is my Doctoral assignment from International Coorperation for Sustainable Development Goals Short Course which has never been published anywhere and I, as the author and copyright holder, license this assignment customized CC-BY-SA where anyone can share, copy, republish, and sell on condition to state my name as the author and notify that the original and open version available here. It is unfortunate that I have to go back on my words due to private circumstances and the Covid-19 Pandemic. Another factor is myself where I changed. Back then, I was into fully academic and research, and met a friend who did postdoc in many countries which was my inspiration back then. I changed ever since I was exposed to finance, entrepreneurship, investment, and cryptocurrency.

1. Cooperation for Sustainable Development Goals


Cooperation (sometimes written as co-operation) is the process of groups of organisms working or acting together for common or mutual benefit, as opposed to working in competition for selfish benefit [1]. In other words, cooperation is the process of jointly working towards the same end with another person agreeably and willingly. International cooperation represents various nations in the pursuit of a common goal or interest. The goal of international cooperation is usually for sustainable development goals (SDG). Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The featured image shows seventeen points of SDG and image above shows five Ps which are influenced and related to one another. All this factors have to be considered. [2]

2. Plans for Contribution

Although there are many points shown on above images, but there are only a few that I planned to directly contribute which hopefully will also have a positive impact on other points. There are five points which I can directly contribute:

  1. Quality Education
  2. Reducing Inequality
  3. Partnership for the Goals
  4. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  5. Affordable and Clean Energy.

There are many types of contributions that I can make, but my biggest plan is to travel to as many countries as I can after I finish and establish relationships. Therefore I can have more links for cooperation, collaboration, and etc, where more choice will be available. I have experienced that there are complex problems which often needs concepts outside of the box to solve. To have the people experience more of other parts of the world and inviting people from other parts of the world increases the chance to find solutions with concepts out of the box. I said to the people in my country which is that I would like to built the country from outside by establishing links with people from other countries so that they can become interested in the country and contribute their creative and innovative ideas for the country. In return they may also gain benefits and we may also do the same for other countries.

Types of contributions:

  • Contribution through professional activities: I will try to host or join exchange programs, because I believe that through these kinds of programs can widen the people’s perspective. For example in my country people know that throwing garbage randomly is not a good thing but they still do it because they lack the experience of being in a develop country for example, they cannot visualize the seriousness. Other stuffs that I will do is to join conferences, give guest lectures, joining workshops, or become a reviewer. I also have many experience in distant learning which probably I aimed to use this experience to built a good computer based system for better and equal quality education.
  • Contribution as a community member: I don’t really have anything much about community member, but I would like to be as bridge from one community to another.
  • Sustainable cooperation with universities/researchers (supervisors): even here in my current university, alumni from other countries are annually invited at least once a year for discussion with the current students and members here. Next time is probably it is me who will be invited. The vise versa applies as well. Also I will encourage students to continue their study in abroad or join exchange program.
  • Sustainable cooperation with colleagues in the region and all over the world: I kept in contact with my previous friends that I have met here from all over the world and I plan to visit their countries someday hoping that we can collaborate. The collaboration can be in any countries by examining its issues and see if we can implement a solution from more develop countries. For example, infrastructures are still very low for some places to conduct even computer based education. Therefore we should invest on single board computers to be used in these rural areas because it is low cost in energy consumption and price, and its independent from infrastructure because it runs on simple batteries. Another thing at the very least we can collaborate distantly through social media network whether by forums or video conferences, for example in my field of computer that we can collaborate distantly in making programs or systems together even though we are far away from each other. After that we can coauthor papers and patents.

3. Reference

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooperation
  2. K. Nakano, “International Cooperation And SDGs No One Should Be Left Behind.”, Supplied Course Material, 13-03-2018.
  3. https://i0.wp.com/www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/E_2018_SDG_Poster_with_UN_emblem.png?resize=600%2C464
  4. http://www.oneworldcentre.org.au/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/5-Ps-sustainability-1.png
