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Ethereum Virtual Machine

Ethereum and EVM (ETC, BSC, AVAX-C-Chain, Polygon, etc).

Telegram Open Network

Telegram Open Network (TON) decentralized application.


Solana decentralized application.


Tron decentralized application.


Near decentralized application.


Wax decentralized application.


Myalgo wallet for Algorand decentralized application.


Sync2 wallet for Vechain decentralized application.


Scatter wallet for EOS decentralized application.


Ontology decentralized application.


Rabbet wallet for Stellar Lumen decentralized application.


Freighter wallet for Stellar Lumen decentralized application.


Hive Signer for Hive decentralized application.


Hive Key Chain for Hive decentralized application.


Zilpay wallet for Zilliqa decentralized application.

Neoline N2

Neoline wallet for Neo N2 decentralized application.

Neoline N3

Neoline wallet for Neo N3 decentralized application.


Keplr wallet for Cosmos and other decentralized application.


Keeper wallet for Waves decentralized application.


IWallet for IOST decentralized application.

Computers and Internet

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Latihan Aplikasi Arsip Barang di Fluter dengan MySQL dan ExpressJs

Latihan Aplikasi Arsip Barang di Fluter

Keywords: flutter mysql expressjs mobile program web android ios

Latihan Aplikasi Arsip Barang di Fluter

Latihan Aplikasi Arsip Barang di Fluter

Keywords: flutter mobile program web android ios

Mobile Programming Online IDE Only

Learn coding syntax for mobile apps .

Keywords: mobile program web android ios

Indonesia Blocked Yahoo PayPal Steam Website and What Can Citizens Do

Many Indonesians are freelancers and received their salaries in PayPal. Therefore blocking PayPal, is the same as cutting off their income.

Keywords: Indonesia Kominfo censorship Internet Authority cryptocurrency

Python Cheat Sheet

This is a cheatsheet for Python programming language that will be constantly updated.

Keywords: programming python cheatsheet computer big data

Factory Reset on Smartphone and Windows and Linux

Factory reset is an action of returning a device into its initial state. On Windows is System Restore, and Linux is Time Shift & Systemback.

Keywords: computers factory reset smartphone windows linux

Damaged Disk Data Recovery Safe Practice

Directly fixing errors and bad block reallocation may further damage the disk so before that it is highly recommended to clone the disk and recover any data possible.

Keywords: computers cloning data recovery error bad block

Disable or Customize Windows 10 Update also Linux and Android

Enable Group Policy Editor, run gpedit, go to Computer Configuration, Administrative Templates, Windows Update, Configure Automatic Updates, Disable.

Keywords: Windows update automatic Linux Android

Compress Multiple Image using Windows Resizer and Image Magick Linux

Compress multiple image using Windows Image Resizer or Image Magick Linux at once.

Keywords: computers multiple image Windows Image Resizer Image Magick Linux

Manually Set IP Address Version 4

Most common people does not know that IP address is set on the network interface and not in the core system of the computer.

Keywords: computer network ip address version 4 manual setting

Scanning IP Address Version 4

When you are handling large computer networks, you probably need an automated IP scanner application. Here I use Angry IP scanner and NMAP.

Keywords: computer network ip address version 4 angry ip scanner nmap

Fix Blank Screen Nvidia Optimus Laptop Linux and Cuda

Find a suitable Nvidia driver version, install bumblebee for optimus laptop, and find suitable CUDA version, wrong version will not work.

Keywords: Kali Linux Nvidia CUDA blank screen fix

Trying and Installing Linux Ubuntu Guide

The steps are download Linux, create a bootable drive, start boot menu and bootable drive, try it, and install it either in internal or external drive.

Keywords: Linux Ubuntu bootable external virtual machine VirtualBox Rufus internal disk drive Windows Etcher computers technology

Setting Up ASUS Mini MP3 Player

A mini mp3 player is a portable device to store and play electronic music files. Some reasons still exist for people to own mini mp3 player.

Keywords: technology computers mini mp3 player ASUS music

Tobii 4c Eye Tracker Demo

Few years ago, the prices are over $3000 was not affordable for many people. Today, the price averages $200 where average people can afford.

Keywords: technology computers eye tracking Tobii 4c Windows

PS1 and PS2 emulator available by default in Debian based Linux repository

The pcsxr and pcsx2 emulators are available by default on Debian repository where you only need one command line to install.

Keywords: Linux Debian Playstation Emulator Games

Upgrading Old Moodle Guide to Latest Version

I tried several upgrade paths and found one that succeeded which are moodle version 1.x > 1.9 > 2.2 > 2.7 > 2.9 > 3.0 > latest.

Keywords: Moodle upgrade Linux Ubuntu server

Installing Moodle Guide on Windows XAMPP

The difference on the Ubuntu version is the directory location C:xampp\htdocs and GUI control panel and the rest of the process are the same

Keywords: Moodle Windows XAMPP server learning management system

Installing Moodle Guide on Debian Based Linux

The steps are installing web and database server, php packages, download moodle files and put into web server directory, and open browser.

Keywords: Moodle Linux Ubuntu server learning management system

Android Emulator and Operating System for Personal Computer

Here I demonstrate Brave Frontier on Microsoft Store Windows, Bluestacks on Windows, Genymotion on Linux, and Remix OS on personal computer.

Keywords: Android Emulator Bluestacks Genymotion Remix OS Computers Linux Windows VirtualBox Operating System

Overheated Acer Turns Out That The Fan Was Rusted

I feel the laptop each time it boots and finally found the problem that it was overheated. I disassembled it and found the fan to be rusted.

Keywords: computers laptop overheat fan rust Acer technology

Common Ways to Bypass Internet Censorship

Porn blocked sure, but Reddit and Imgur? What more? The common ways I found are by DNS, proxy, VPN, and TOR. Leave a comment if you know anymore.

Keywords: censorship resistance TOR The Onion Router Windows Linux Android DNS proxy VPN

Cara Biasa Melewati Sensor Internet

Pornografi diblokir, tetapi Reddit dan Imgur juga? Cara umum yang saya temukan adalah DNS, proxy, VPN, dan TOR. Adakah cara lain?

Keywords: anti sensor TOR The Onion Router Windows Linux Android DNS proxy VPN

Melewati Sensor dengan TOR

Onion Router (TOR) adalah implementasi open source dari perutean bawang untuk anonimitas dan privasi, saya menggunakannya untuk melewati sensor.

Keywords: TOR The Onion Router Windows Linux Android relay exit bridge node privasi anonim anti sensor

Bypass Censorship By TOR

The Onion Router (TOR) is an open source implementation of onion routing for anonymity and privacy, but I use them for bypassing censorship.

Keywords: TOR The Onion Router Windows Linux Android relay exit bridge node privacy anonimity censorship resistance

Melewati Sensor dengan VPN

Jaringan pribadi virtual (VPN) memperluas jaringan pribadi melintasi jaringan publik. Jika jalur keluar terbuka dapat digunakan untuk melewati sensor.

Keywords: vpn virtual private network Windows Linux Android Server openvpn bittube tunnel bear anti sensor

Bypass Censorship By VPN

Virtual private network (VPN) extends a private network across a public network where if outgoing path is open can also be used to bypass censorship.

Keywords: vpn virtual private network openvpn Windows Linux Android Server bittube Tunnel Bear censorship resistance

Melewati Sensor dengan Proxy

Daripada langsung ke alamat tujuan, paket akan pergi ke server proxy dan diproses di sana sebelum pergi ke tujuan

Keywords: proxy squid Windows 7 Linux Android Server Kali anti sensor

Bypass Censorship By Proxy

Instead of going straight ahead to the destination address the packets turn around to the proxy server and processed there before going to the origin.

Keywords: proxy squid Windows 7 Linux Android Server Kali censorship resistance

Melewati Sensor dengan DNS

Mengubah DNS pada klien juga termasuk yang paling mendasar karena ada banyak server DNS terbuka di luar sana dibandingkan dengan server proxy dan VPN.

Keywords: DNS domain name service Windows 7 Linux Android Server Kali anti sensor

Bypass Censorship By DNS

Changing DNS on client is also among the most basic because there are many open DNS server out there compared to proxy and VPN server.

Keywords: DNS domain name service Windows 7 Linux Android Server Kali censorship resistance

Ikon Hiperlink

Tujuannya adalah untuk mempercantik dan menyederhanakan hyperlink yang ada berdasarkan pepatah satu gambar bisa berarti seribu kata.

Keywords: media sosial ikon hyperlink HTML CSS

Hyperlink Icon

The purpose in my opinion is to beautify and simplify hyperlinks where there is a saying that a single picture can mean a thousand words.

Keywords: social media icon hyperlink HTML CSS

Membuat Kata Sandi yang Kuat

Kata sandi yang kuat berisi huruf kecil, huruf kapital, angka, simbol, lebih dari 6 karakter. Yang super berisi simbol bukan di keyboard

Keywords: password brute force have I been pawned account social engineering

Creating Strong Passwords

Strong password contains small letters, capital letters, numbers, symbol, more than 6 characters. Super ones contain symbols not on keyboard

Keywords: password brute force have I been pawned account social engineering

Starting Computer Programming

This article introduces computer programming for those who would like to dive into the world of programming starting with Pascal and C lang.

Keywords: computer programming Internet C Pascal

Simple Introduction to Computer Network and the Internet

Objective is simulate Local Area Network (LAN). Simulate Wide Area Network (WAN). Common services of The Internet. Design your simple cloud.

Keywords: computer CORE default route DHCP DNS dynamic route Internet LAN network simulation static route WAN web

Pengantar Senderhana Terhadap Internet dan Jaringan Komputer

Mensimulasikan Local Area Network (LAN). Mensimulasikan Wide Area Network (WAN). Layanan umum Internet. Rancang cloud sederhana Anda.

Keywords: DHCP DNS Internet jaringan komputer LAN P2P routing dinamis routing statis WAN web

Anonymity, Borderless, Decentralization, Privacy, Uncensorship.

Keywords: anonymity borderless decentralization privacy censorship Internet network freedom content website video platform media dns proxy vpn tor blockchain IPFS blog

Try Gambling For Free on Crypto Gambling Sites

Keywords: faucet multiplier lottery roulette cryptocurrency gambling casino online internet advertisement referral

Pendapatan Pasif dengan Komputer

Keywords: airtime bitcoin bittube brave browser coin komputer cryptocurrency cryptotab pendapatan listrik gratis Internet tambang monetisasi uang netbox pasif ponsel

Online Content Monetization

Keywords: content cryptocurrency monetization online internet advertisement donation referral mining tipping bittube brave coinimp javascript airtime

Bypass Censorship by Tor

Keywords: Android blocks bridge browser bypass censorship darknet deepweb exit hidden wiki Linux Relay tor torify torsocks wikileaks Windows

Bypass Censorship by Proxy

Keywords: bypass censorship Internet Linux network Proxy Proxy Setting on PC squid Ubuntu web webproxy.to

Bypass Censorship by DNS

Keywords: bypass censorship. blocks DNS domain name server setting DNS PC Windows