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Ethereum Virtual Machine

Ethereum and EVM (ETC, BSC, AVAX-C-Chain, Polygon, etc).

Telegram Open Network

Telegram Open Network (TON) decentralized application.


Solana decentralized application.


Tron decentralized application.


Near decentralized application.


Wax decentralized application.


Myalgo wallet for Algorand decentralized application.


Sync2 wallet for Vechain decentralized application.


Scatter wallet for EOS decentralized application.


Ontology decentralized application.


Rabbet wallet for Stellar Lumen decentralized application.


Freighter wallet for Stellar Lumen decentralized application.


Hive Signer for Hive decentralized application.


Hive Key Chain for Hive decentralized application.


Zilpay wallet for Zilliqa decentralized application.

Neoline N2

Neoline wallet for Neo N2 decentralized application.

Neoline N3

Neoline wallet for Neo N3 decentralized application.


Keplr wallet for Cosmos and other decentralized application.


Keeper wallet for Waves decentralized application.


IWallet for IOST decentralized application.

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Time: 2024-10-02 15:37:44 +0000

Denial of Service (DOS) on Wifi using Ostinato Linux

There was no CommView in Linux where I used it to perform DoS. However, I found a similar software called Ostinato and it can work for Dos.

Keywords: Linux DoS denial of service wifi Ostinato

Denial of Service (DOS) Pada Wifi Menggunakan Ostinato Linux

Tidak ada CommView di Linux untuk melakukan DoS. Namun, saya menemukan perangkat lunak serupa yang disebut Ostinato dan dapat Dos.

Keywords: Linux DoS denial of service wifi Ostinato

Denial of Service (DOS) on Wifi using CommView Windows

DOS prevents other users from doing activities on the network. Here I will demonstrate DOS on a wifi using CommView for WiFi on Windows.

Keywords: Windows DOS denial of service wifi CommView

Denial of Service (DOS) Pada Wifi Menggunakan CommView Windows

DOS mencegah pengguna lain beraktivitas di jaringan. Di sini saya akan mendemonstrasikan DOS pada wifi menggunakan CommView for WiFi di Windows.

Keywords: Windows DOS denial of service wifi CommView

Simple Password Bruteforce Demonstration Using Hydra

I can define password brute forcing in just one sentence which is trying every single character combination to crack a password.

Keywords: penetration testing brute force Hydra Linux Backtrack NMAP

Demonstrasi Bruteforce Sederhana Menggunakan Hydra

Saya dapat mendefinisikan password bruteforce hanya dalam satu kalimat yaitu mencoba setiap kombinasi karakter untuk memecahkan kata sandi.

Keywords: penetration testing brute force Hydra Linux Backtrack NMAP

Having a Taste of Being a Hacker

There are four main steps in penetration testing which are (1) Information Gathering, (2) Scanning, (3) Exploitation, (4) Maintaining Access

Keywords: penetration testing hacking information gathering scanning exploitation maintaining access metasploit nmap theharvester openvas ping nslookup Google white hat grey hat black hat

Cicipan Menjadi Hacker

Ada empat langkah utama dalam pengujian penetrasi (1) Pengumpulan Informasi, (2) Pemindaian, (3) Eksploitasi, (4) Mempertahankan Akses.

Keywords: hacker pentest pengumpulan informasi pemindaian eksploitasi pemeliharaan akses metasploit nmap theharvester openvas ping nslookup Google white hat grey hat black hat

Hacking Sethc and Office Trend USB Windows 7 When You Have Physical Access

The method uses physical means through a bootable media to gain access to administrative command line (cmd.exe here) and exploit sethc.exe.

Keywords: Bypass Blocks USB Access Micro Trend Hacking Administrative Access Windows 7 sethc vulnerability