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Ethereum Virtual Machine

Ethereum and EVM (ETC, BSC, AVAX-C-Chain, Polygon, etc).

Telegram Open Network

Telegram Open Network (TON) decentralized application.


Solana decentralized application.


Tron decentralized application.


Near decentralized application.


Wax decentralized application.


Myalgo wallet for Algorand decentralized application.


Sync2 wallet for Vechain decentralized application.


Scatter wallet for EOS decentralized application.


Ontology decentralized application.


Rabbet wallet for Stellar Lumen decentralized application.


Freighter wallet for Stellar Lumen decentralized application.


Hive Signer for Hive decentralized application.


Hive Key Chain for Hive decentralized application.


Zilpay wallet for Zilliqa decentralized application.

Neoline N2

Neoline wallet for Neo N2 decentralized application.

Neoline N3

Neoline wallet for Neo N3 decentralized application.


Keplr wallet for Cosmos and other decentralized application.


Keeper wallet for Waves decentralized application.


IWallet for IOST decentralized application.


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Server Room Safety and Security Consideration Case Study Server Room GDLN UNUD 2012

Here we will discuss about the physical and virtual safety and security of server room and data center from unwanted threats to last long.

Keywords: computers server safety security GDLN UNUD assignment research writing

Assignment About Flow Control and Selective Repeat ARQ

Data Communication course about writing essays on flow control, error detection & control, and selective repeat ARQ.

Keywords: data communication computer flow control error selective repeat arq detection correction assignment research writing

Tugas Kuliah Tentang Flow Control dan Selective Repeat ARQ

Tugas kuliah Komunikasi Data menulis essai mengenai flow control, error detection & control, dan selective repeat ARQ.

Keywords: komunikasi data komputer flow control error selective repeat arq detection correction tugas kuliah penulisan ilmiah

Trojan Horse Demonstration with Metasploit Framework Payload

Metasploit Framework Payload practice, the difference with an ordinary backdoor is that a Trojan horse disguises itself as a legitimate program.

Keywords: Linux trojan horse metasploit framework msfpayload Windows backdoor malware virus assignment research writing

Demonstrasi Trojan Horse dengan Metasploit Framework Payload

Praktik Metasploit Framework Payload, bedanya dengan backdoor biasa adalah trojan horse menyamar sebagai program sah.

Keywords: Linux trojan horse metasploit framework msfpayload Windows backdoor malware virus tugas kuliah penulisan ilmiah

Making Private Streaming Server as Media for Surveillance Cameras with Red5

Other colleagues chose HTML5 server streaming software, VLC, Adobe Flash, etc., and I got the rare one, Red5.

Keywords: Linux streaming server Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder Red5 Internet computer video audio assignment research writing Windows

Pembuatan Streaming Server Pribadi Sebagai Media Kamera Pengawas dengan Red5

Rekan yang lain memilih software streaming server HTML5, VLC, Adobe Flash, dll, dan saya dapat yang langka yaitu Red5.

Keywords: Linux streaming server Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder Red5 Internet komputer video audio tugas kuliah penulisan ilmiah Windows

Mindmapping using Semantik on KDE Linux

This is my undergraduate assignment in the 2013 Technology Application in Education course regarding KDE Linux Semantik.

Keywords: mindmap Semantik Linux KDE assignment research writing

Mindmapping menggunakan Semantik pada Linux KDE

Ini merupakan tugas S1 saya pada mata kuliah Aplikasi Teknologi Dalam Pembelajaran 2013 mengenai Semantik Linux KDE.

Keywords: mindmap semantik Linux KDE tugas kuliah penulisan ilmiah

3G Network Modem Signal Amplification Testing With Parabolic Pan

3G modem signal strength can be increased by parabolic bazooka pan and reduce Internet connection instability.

Keywords: Internet parabolic pan wajanbolic bazooka modem 3G network amplifier signal paper mawapres

Pengujian Penguatan Kuat Sinyal Modem Jaringan 3G Dengan Wajanbolic

Kuat sinyal modem 3G dapat ditingkatkan dengan wajanbolic bazooka dan mengurangi ketidak stabilan koneksi Internet.

Keywords: Internet wajanbolic bazooka modem jaringan 3G penguat sinyal karya tulis mawapres

Pengujian Wajan Parabola Sebagai Alat Bantu Penguat Sinyal Pada Modem AT&T

Dulu saya menggunakan modem tetapi bermasalah dengan stabilitas koneksi Internet. Kuat sinyal modem dapat ditingkatkan dengan wajanbolic.

Keywords: Internet wajanbolic modem penguat sinyal karya tulis mawapres

Testing Parabolic Pans as a Signal Amplifier Tool on AT&T Modems

I had problems with the modem's Internet connection stability. Modem signal strength can be increased using parabolic pan.

Keywords: Internet parabolic pan wajanbolic modem signal amplifier paper mawapres

Droptail Simulation and Random Early Detection in Network Simulator 3

Network Simulator 3 can simulate REDQueue and display animation so it's easier to observe.

Keywords: Network Simulator 3 Random Early Detection Droptail traffic queue assignment research writing

Simulasi Droptail dan Random Early Detection Pada Network Simulator 3

Network Simulator 3 dapat mensimulasikan REDQueue dan menampilkan animasi sehingga lebih mudah untuk diamati.

Keywords: Network Simulator 3 Random Early Detection Droptail trafik antrean tugas kuliah penulisan ilmiah

The use of Nagios in the Electrical Engineering Computer Lab of Udayana University

The assignment of my Telecommunication System Reliability course regarding Nagios application which can monitor the state computer network.

Keywords: computer network Nagios monitoring web telecommunication system reliability research writing assignment

Observing DOTA Playing Performance with OPNET Simple LAN System

Telecommunication Network Course assignment about simulating playing DOTA 10 players on LAN using OPNET based on 1 player datarate from Wireshark.

Keywords: telecommunication network LAN OPNET simulation DOTA scientific writing coursework

Mengamati Perfoma Bermain DOTA dengan OPNET Sistem LAN Sederhana

Tugas mata kuliah jaringan telekomunikasi tentang simulasi bermain DOTA 10 pemain LAN di OPNET berdasarkan datarate 1 pemain dari Wireshark.

Keywords: jaringan telekomunikasi LAN OPNET simulasi DOTA penulisan ilmiah tugas kuliah

The Effect of FPS, Resolution and Bitrate Settings on the Resulting Throughput in the Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder Software

Research writing assignment regarding abstract, introduction, literature review, method, discussion, conclusion, and bibliography.

Keywords: Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder fps bitrate throughput streaming assignment research writing

Pengaruh Pengaturan FPS, Resolusi dan Bitrate Terhadap Throughput Yang Dihasilkan pada Software Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder

Tugas mata kuliah penulisan penelitian mengenai abstrak, pendahuluan, kajian pustaka, metode penelitian, pembahasan, penutup, dan daftar pustaka.

Keywords: Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder fps bitrate throughput streaming tugas mata kuliah penulisan penelitian

Image Transmission on Wireless Visual Sensor Networking Devices Imote2 Platform Based on IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee Embedded Linux

My final project is to create a C program for image delivery on WSN Imote2 ZigBee and save image transmission cost with JPEG2000 using embedded Linux.

Keywords: wireless sensor network imote2 zigbee transmission image jpeg2000 openjpeg c tosmac embedded linux final project

Transmisi Citra Pada Perangkat Jaringan Sensor Visual Nirkabel Platform Imote2 Berbasis IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee Embedded Linux

Tugas akhir saya membuat program C pengiriman citra pada JSN Imote2 ZigBee dan penghematan transmisi citra dengan JPEG2000 menggunakan embedded Linux.

Keywords: jaringan sensor nirkabel Imote2 ZigBee transmisi citra JPEG2000 OpenJPEG C tosmac embedded linux tugas akhir

Menentukan Coverage Macro Cell Berdasarkan Okumura Hata Di Matlab

Menggunakan MATLAB jauh lebih cepat dari menghitung manual serta dapat membuat grafik dan menggambarkan illustrasi radius BS dengan MS.

Keywords: jaringan nirkabel cakupan macro cell Okumura Hata Matlab tugas kuliah penulisan ilmiah

Determining Macro Cell Coverage Based on Okumura Hata in Matlab

Using MATLAB is much faster than calculating manually and able to graph the base station radius with mobile station.

Keywords: wireless network coverage macro cell Okumura Hata Matlab assignment scientific writing

Simulation of ICT Network Configuration Based on Existing Network Configuration at the Network Operation Center of the Badung Regency Government

My practical work on Fiber Optic Installation Project in Badung Regency Government regarding computer network configuration on Cisco Devices

Keywords: computer networks cisco packet tracer fiber optic practical work report Badung

Penggunaan Nagios di Lab Komputer Teknik Elektro Universitas Udayana

Tugas dari mata kuliah Kehandalan Sistem Telekomunikasi S1 saya mengenai aplikasi Nagios yang dapat memantau keadaan jaringan komputer.

Keywords: jaringan komputer Nagios pemantauan web kehandalan sistem telekomunikasi penulisan ilmiah tugas kuliah

Simulasi Konfigurasi Jaringan ICT Berbasis Konfigurasi Jaringan Eksisting di Network Operation Center Pemerintah Kabupaten Badung

Kerja praktek saya pada Proyek Instalasi Fiber Optik di Kawasan Pusat Pemerintah Kabupaten Badung mengenai konfigurasi jaringan komputer.

Keywords: jaringan komputer Cisco Packet Tracer fiber optik laporan kerja praktek Badung

Embedded Linux implementation on Imote2 Platform Wireless Sensor Networks

TinyOS users on the Imote2 platform encounter many limitations. Hence the community developed embedded Linux.

Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network Imote2 Embedded Linux ZigBee WLAN JTAG OpenOCD

Implementasi Embedded Linux pada Jaringan Sensor Nirkabel Platform Imote2

Pengguna TinyOS pada platform Imote2 menemukan banyak keterbatasan. Oleh karena itu komunitas pengembangkan embedded Linux.

Keywords: JSN Imote2 Embedded Linux ZigBee WLAN JTAG OpenOCD

Kelayakan Perayaan Hari Bumi Di Indonesia Berdasarkan Hubungan Alamiah Dalam Pancasila

Walaupun Hari Bumi berasal dari luar teori Pancasila dengan Hari Bumi sejalan. Justru Hari Bumi menduku mendukung hubungan alamiah Pancasila

Keywords: Hari Bumi Pancasila Indonesia Hubungan Alamiah Perayaan tugas kuliah penulisan ilmiah

The Appropriateness of Celebrating Earth Day in Indonesia Based on Natural Relationships in Pancasila

Although Earth Day comes from outside, Pancasila is in line with Earth Day. In fact, Earth Day supports the natural relationship in Pancasila.

Keywords: Indonesia Earth Day Pancasila Natural Relationship Celebration assignment research writing

My Undergraduate English Assignment Collection

For natives this kind of assignment can be for elementary school students but for us is above high school since English is rarely used here.

Keywords: English assignment undergraduate Indonesia Pan Belog

Now a Blogger Handbook which used to be a Gumbrih Village Website Handbook during my community service program

In the end, this was shown for those who wanted to know and try blogging and to find out about the contribution of my Community Service Program in 2014 at Gumbrih.

Keywords: Blogger Community Service Program Gumbrih Village Udayana Bali

Buku Panduan Blogger Dulu Saat KKN Adalah Buku Panduan Update Website Desa Gumbrih

Pada akhirnya ini ditunjukkan bagi yang ingin mengetahui dan mencoba blogging dan mengetahui kontribusi KKN saya pada tahun 2013 di Gumbrih.

Keywords: Blogger KKN Desa Gumbrih Udayana Bali

Man in The Middle Demonstration with Arpspoof and Wireshark

Actually it's just a man in the middle essay but I'm also interested in practicing it with Arpspoof and Wireshark on Linux.

Keywords: Linux arpspoof wireshark nmap address resolution protocol man in the middle Windows assignment research writing

Demonstrasi Penyusup Ditengah dengan Arpspoof dan Wireshark

Sebenarnya hanya essay man in the middle tetapi saya juga tertarik untuk mempraktikannya dengan Arpspoof dan Wireshark di Linux.

Keywords: Linux arpspoof wireshark nmap address resolution protocol penyusup ditengah Windows tugas kuliah penulisan ilmiah

Our Essay on the Internet for Indonesians 2011

This assignment is structured for readers in 2011 can find out how big the role and influence of Internet technology is in everyday life.

Keywords: Internet Indonesia networks history regulator role computers technology coursework scientific sciences

Esai Kami Tentang Internet untuk Masyarakat Indonesia 2011

Tugas ini disusun agar pembaca pada 2011 dapat mengetahui seberapa besar peran dan pengaruh Teknologi Internet dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Keywords: Internet Indonesia jaringan sejarah regulator peran komputer teknologi tugas kuliah penulisan ilmiah

My Undergraduate Electrical Materials Assignment Collection

The tasks recorded electronically are electrical insulation and conductor and thermoelectric, others are handwritten and submitted.

Keywords: electrical materials thermoelectric electrical insulation electrical conductor assignments

Koleksi Tugas Bahan Listrik Sarjana Saya

Tugas yang tercatat secara elektronik adalah isolasi dan pengantar listrik dan termoelektrik dimana yang lain ditulis tangan dan dikumpul.

Keywords: bahan listrik termoelektrik isolasi listrik pengantar listirk tugas kuliah

Ampere Law and Magnetic Fields Class Assignment

The course assignment in Electric Field Theory is writing essays on Ampere's Law, Biot-Savart Law, and other magnetic field laws.

Keywords: electric field theory Ampere Law Biot-Savart Law magnetic fields assignment research writing

Tugas Kuliah Hukum Ampere dan Medan Magnetik

Tugas kuliah Teori Medan Listrik menulis essai mengenai Hukum Ampere, Hukum Biot-Savart, dan hukum medan magnetik lainnya.

Keywords: teori medan Hukum Ampere Hukum Biot-Savart medan magnetik tugas kuliah penulisan ilmiah

My Opinion Regarding Hard Skills and Soft Skills when I was an Undergraduate Student

Most importantly, accept things regardless of background and status, always be prejudiced, and accept all differences.

Keywords: hard skills soft skills open minded personality assignment

Opini Saya Mengenai Keterampilan Keras dan Lunak saat Masih Mahasiswa

Yang paling penting, menerima sesuatu tanpa memandang latar belakang dan status, selalu berprasangka baik, dan menerima segala perbedaan.

Keywords: keterampilan keras keterampilan lunak keterbukaan kepribadian tugas kuliah

Our 2011 Assignment Regarding Visual Basic 6

Older programmers will feel nostalgic and young programmers will be surprised how much Visual Basic was underdeveloped before.

Keywords: visual basic programming hello world free space loss old fashioned assignments

Tugas Kuliah 2011 Kami Mengenai Visual Basic 6

Para programer tua akan merasa nostalgia dan para programer muda akan kaget mengenai bagaimana belum berkembangnya Visual Basic dulu.

Keywords: visual basic pemrograman hello world free space loss kuno tugas kuliah

My Period between College Graduation and Studying Abroad

In summary out of my mind applied to Valve and Blizzard, applied to many scholarships, and my first stressing employment in manufacturing.

Keywords: college graduation studying abroad employee

My Essay about Google when I was an Undergraduate Student 2013

The Internet is vast and we need Google to navigate for us with its page ranking and crawler technology and this is my Google essay in 2013.

Keywords: Google search engine crawlers page ranking Internet assignment

Finding Periods in Signal Equation Through Visualization

In Engineering we are encouraged not to waste time solving manually for example find periods in signal equations through visualization.

Keywords: engineering signal plot period assignment

College Assignment About Oscilloscope

An oscilloscope is an electronic device that can display electrical signals and the wave equation of an electrical signal.

Keywords: electrical measurement oscilloscope wave frequency period vibration assignment research writing

Tugas Kuliah Tentang Osiloskop

Osiloskop merupakan suatu peralatan elektronik yang dapat menampilkan sinyal listrik dan bentuk persamaan gelombang suatu sinyal listrik.

Keywords: pengukuran listrik Osiloskop gelombang frekuensi periode getaran tugas kuliah penulisan ilmiah

Megger or Mega Ohm Meter College Assignment

An electrician doing a Megger is an electrical insulation test also sometimes called a Megger Test. Megger has now grown into a big company.

Keywords: electrical measurement Megger Mega Ohm Meter electrical insulation assignment research writing

Tugas Kuliah Megger atau Mega Ohm Meter

Seorang teknisi listrik melakukan Megger yang dimaksud adalah pengukuran atau pengujian isolasi listrik juga terkadang disebut Megger Test.

Keywords: pengukuran listrik Megger Mega Ohm Meter isolasi listrik tugas kuliah penulisan ilmiah

AVO Meter College Assignment

AVO meter is a combination of ampere meter, voltmeter, ohmmeter which have various functions, namely measuring current, voltage, resistance.

Keywords: AVO Meter Galvanometer electrical measurements assignment research writing

Tugas Kuliah AVO Meter

AVO meter adalah gabungan dari ampere meter, voltmeter, ohmmeter yang mempunyai fungsi bervariasi yaitu pengukuran arus, tegangan, hambatan.

Keywords: AVO Meter Galvanometer pengukuran listrik tugas kuliah penulisan ilmiah

Short Description of IPTV Assignment

TV with live broadcasts either passes through electromagnetic waves that are captured by the antenna while IPTV through the Internet network.

Keywords: technology iptv telecommunications network computer assignment

Tugas Kuliah Deskripsi Singkat IPTV

TV dengan siaran langsung baik melewati gelombang elektromagnetik yang ditangkap dengan atenna. Sedangkan IPTV melewati jaringan Internet.

Keywords: teknologi IPTV jaringan telekomunikasi komputer tugas kuliah

My Undergraduate Electrical Power Engineering Assignment Collection

This task covers the supply of electricity (generation, transmission, distribution), basic electrical theories, transformer, and generators.

Keywords: Basic Electrical Power Engineering conversion transmission distribution generator transformer inverter rectifier assignment

Koleksi Tugas Dasar Teknik Tenaga Listrik Sarjana Saya

Tugas ini mencangkupi pengadaan listrik (pembangkit, transmisi, distribusi), teori dasar seperti hukum ohm trafo, dan generator arus searah.

Keywords: Dasar Teknik Tenaga Listrik konversi transmisi distribusi generator trafo inverter rectifier tugas kuliah

My IELTS Speaking Script Decades Ago

This is my script for English speaking practice during my International English Language Testing System (IELTS) course few decades ago.

Keywords: English IELTS speaking undergraduate assignment writing

Brute Force Attack Demonstration with Hydra

Actually it was just an assignment to write an essay but I happened to try Backtrack Linux at that time and just practiced it.

Keywords: Linux brute force Hydra Windows Telnet assignment research writing

Demonstrasi Brute Force Attack dengan Hydra

Sebenarnya hanya tugas untuk menulis esai tapi kebetulan saat itu saya mulai mencoba Backtrack Linux dan sekalian saja praktik.

Keywords: Linux brute force Hydra Windows Telnet tugas kuliah penulisan ilmiah


JENESYS 2.0 merupakan program kedua Japan East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths dimana pesertanya berasal dari 10 negara di ASEAN.

Keywords: 2.0 ASEAN Fukuoka gelombang 3 JENESYS Jepang mahasiswa pelajar pemuda pertukaran


JENESYS 2.0 is the second program of Japan East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths where the participants are from 10 countries in ASEAN.

Keywords: JENESYS 2.0 3rd batch Japan ASEAN exchange student youth report Fukuoka undergraduate