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Ethereum Virtual Machine

Ethereum and EVM (ETC, BSC, AVAX-C-Chain, Polygon, etc).

Telegram Open Network

Telegram Open Network (TON) decentralized application.


Solana decentralized application.


Tron decentralized application.


Near decentralized application.


Wax decentralized application.


Myalgo wallet for Algorand decentralized application.


Sync2 wallet for Vechain decentralized application.


Scatter wallet for EOS decentralized application.


Ontology decentralized application.


Rabbet wallet for Stellar Lumen decentralized application.


Freighter wallet for Stellar Lumen decentralized application.


Hive Signer for Hive decentralized application.


Hive Key Chain for Hive decentralized application.


Zilpay wallet for Zilliqa decentralized application.

Neoline N2

Neoline wallet for Neo N2 decentralized application.

Neoline N3

Neoline wallet for Neo N3 decentralized application.


Keplr wallet for Cosmos and other decentralized application.


Keeper wallet for Waves decentralized application.


IWallet for IOST decentralized application.


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General Explanation and Illustration of Tectum Softnote

Keywords: cryptocurrency blockchain Tectum SoftNote banknote bill cash mint

Ethereum Virtual Machine Remote Procedure Call List Table

List of EVM RPC with a button that automatically adds to Metamask written in JavaScript, JSON and Ethereum JS or Web3.

Keywords: dapp cryptocurrency DeFi EVM RPC

Ethereum Virtual Machine Remote Procedure Call List

List of EVM RPC with a button that automatically adds to Metamask written in JavaScript, JSON and Ethereum JS or Web3.

Keywords: dapp cryptocurrency DeFi EVM RPC

Freedom and Transparency of Open Cryptocurrency Case Study Donation to Ukraine

With the transparency of cryptocurrency, even you can track donations to Ukraine by simply browsing the web and donate at a tap of a button.

Keywords: cryptocurrency donation explorer freedom transparency Ukraine Russia

Web3 Widget Send Asset and Message to Address

A web3 widget in multiple blockchains to send native assets and message to certain address.

Keywords: dapp cryptocurrency DeFi web3 source

Web3 Simple Widgets

My custom simple widgets JS and Web3 source codes.

Keywords: dapp cryptocurrency DeFi web3 source

dApp Interface Source Code Collection

List of decentralized application JavaScript and other dapp interface source codes including Ethereum, Tron, Stellar, Neo, Near, Hive, Eos, IOST, etc.

Keywords: dapp cryptocurrency DeFi web3 source code

Jetcoin Where Fans Are Also Rewarded

Fans are the ones who brings wealth, fame, and fortune to these stars. Without fans, they are nothing, and yet receives absolutely nothing.

Keywords: cryptocurrency DeFi Talents Fans JETNFT

Quick Guide to Adshares Decentralized Advertisement Ecosystem

An online marketplace between advertiser and publisher based on the open and decentralized blockchain or the open cryptocurrency technology.

Keywords: cryptocurrency decentralization blockchain advertisement WhatIsAdshares

Cryptocurrency 101 for Users Chapter 7 Open Letter to The Government

The two default way to get cryptocurrency is to mine and to buy. However, you may chose not to buy for various of reasons. This chapter presents other methods of getting cryptocurrency.

Keywords: cryptocurrency 101 users free market

Do you know that some Muslims view banks and DeFi as unlawful? What about Marhaba DeFi?

You probably do not know that there are Muslims who refuse to use banking services because some of them believe them to be unlawful practice.

Keywords: cryptocurrency DeFi Islam Shariah MRHBDeFiExplained

Saya Dibayar Rp 61 Juta Selama Bekerja 4 Bulan di Torum Media Sosial Keuangan Kripto

Saya menjadi duta dari November 2020 - Februari 2021 dimana tugas saya yaitu menulis konten tentang Torum seminggu sekali dibayar dengan XTM.

Keywords: mata uang kripto Torum pendapatan XTM duta

I Got Paid $4300 for Working 4 Months in Torum Crypto Finance Social Media

I was an ambassador from November 2020 - February 2021 where my job was to write contents about Torum once a week and finally cashed out XTM.

Keywords: cryptocurrency Torum earning XTM ambassador

My Blogger Income August 2021 A New Daily Routine

I stopped daily blogging because it is stressing me out and instead I begun early as a DeFi developer but I still keep short daily routines.

Keywords: cryptocurrency blogging income daily routine self employed

Create Cryptocurrency Token in Almost Any DeFi Ecosystem Without Programming

Sure there are many steps but can be generalized into 3 steps install defi wallet, modify smart contract, compile and deploy smart contract.

Keywords: cryptocurrency DeFi token smart contract guide

My Blogger Income July 2021 Preparing Materials for New Crypto Users

Wrote a quick guide and gave a seminar in story and philosophy of cryptocurrency and started a new youtube channel of my technical analysis.

Keywords: cryptocurrency blogging income guide trading investing new

Intermediate Financial Technical Analysis even in Crypto

Intermediate technical analysis in this book includes classic chart patterns, Fibonacci Golden Ratios, harmonic patterns, and Elliott Waves.

Keywords: cryptocurrency financial technical analysis intermediate trading investing FTA

Dasar-Dasar Analisis Teknis Keuangan bahkan di Kripto

Dasar-dasar analisa teknikal adalah Teori DOW, swing, trend, support & resistance, supply & demand, pola candle stick, dan indikator.

Keywords: mata uang kripto analisis teknis keuangan dasar perdagangan investasi FTA

The Basics of Financial Technical Analysis even in Crypto

The basics of technical analysis are DOW Theory, swing, trend, support & resistance, supply & demand, candle stick patterns, and indicators.

Keywords: cryptocurrency financial technical analysis basic trading investing FTA

My Blogger Income June 2021 Took Technical Analysis Course

The entire month, I only blogged about basic financial technical analysis which is mainly a note to not forget about my TA intensive course.

Keywords: cryptocurrency blogging income technical analysis trading investing finance

Financial Technical Analysis Crypto Narrative Chapter 8 Elliott Wave

Previously, we only examine up to 3 waves. This chapter will discuss up to 8 waves of the Elliott Wave. Be cautious when the 5th wave forms.

Keywords: cryptocurrency financial technical analysis Fibonacci Elliott Wave trading investing FTA

Financial Technical Analysis Crypto Narrative Chapter 7 Harmonic Pattern

Most harmonic patterns have five phases forming XABCD pattern and we use Fibonacci Golden Ratios measurement to classify harmonic patterns.

Keywords: cryptocurrency financial technical analysis Fibonacci harmonic pattern trading investing FTA

Financial Technical Analysis Crypto Narrative Chapter 6 Fibonacci Golden Ratios

Fibonacci retracement and extension are mostly used and memorize these numbers 23.6%, 38.2%, 61.8%, 78.6%, 100%, 161.8%, 261.8%, and 423.6%.

Keywords: cryptocurrency financial technical analysis Fibonacci golden ratio trading investing FTA

Financial Technical Analysis Crypto Narrative Chapter 5 Classic Chart Pattern

Classic chart patterns are the most popular to show drawn using lower and upper trend line to show whether a trend will continue or reverse.

Keywords: cryptocurrency financial technical analysis classic chart pattern trading investing FTA

Analisis Teknis Keuangan Narasi Kripto Bab 4 Indikator

Indikator teknis adalah perhitungan matematis dari data perdagangan untuk membantu membuat keputusan perdagangan yang lebih baik.

Keywords: mata uang kripto analisis teknis keuangan indikator perdagangan investasi FTA

Analisis Teknis Keuangan Narasi Kripto Bab 3 Pola Candle Stick

Semua lilin ditemukan dalam grafik mata uang kripto yang berarti pola lilin dapat digunakan dalam perdagangan dan investasi ini.

Keywords: mata uang kripto analisis teknis keuangan pola candle stick perdagangan investasi FTA

Analisis Teknis Keuangan Narasi Kripto Bab 2 Dasar-Dasar Menggambar

Sebelum pola grafik, bangunlah fondasi yang kuat pada dasar-dasar menggambar swing, tren, support & resistance, dan supply & demand.

Keywords: mata uang kripto analisis teknis keuangan menggambar perdagangan investasi FTA swing trend support resistance supply demand

Analisis Teknis Keuangan Narasi Kripto Bab 1 Teori DOW

Disini saya akan menulis Teori DOW berdasarkan pengalaman kripto dan kursus analisis teknis dimana saya membayar menggunakan keuntungan saya.

Keywords: mata uang kripto analisis teknis keuangan Teori DOW perdagangan investasi FTA

Financial Technical Analysis Crypto Narrative Chapter 4 Indicators

Technical indicators are mathematical calculations of historical trading data which helps traders in making better trading decision.

Keywords: cryptocurrency financial technical analysis indicator trading investing FTA

Financial Technical Analysis Crypto Narrative Chapter 3 Candle Stick Patterns

All the candles here are found in cryptocurrency charts which means that even candle patterns can be used in crypto trading and investing.

Keywords: cryptocurrency financial technical analysis candle stick pattern trading investing FTA

Financial Technical Analysis Crypto Narrative Chapter 2 Basic Drawings

Before the chart patterns, build a solid foundation on the basics of drawing swings, trends, supports & resistances, and supplies & demands.

Keywords: cryptocurrency financial technical analysis drawing trading investing FTA swing trend support resistance supply demand

Financial Technical Analysis Crypto Narrative Chapter 1 DOW Theory

Here I will write the DOW Theory based on my crypto experience and financial technical analysis course where I paid using my crypto profits.

Keywords: cryptocurrency financial technical analysis DOW Theory trading investing FTA

My Blogger Income May 2021 End of The Previous Bull Market but More Newcomers

All my peers in college, I can count using my fingers who actually know about crypto. How will the price be if crypto becomes main stream?

Keywords: cryptocurrency income self employed unemployed blogging Bear Market Newcomers

How User Friendly Zilliqa DeFi Ecosystem is Today?

Zilliqa the first smart contract platform to implement Sharding protocol in 2017 which is a method for processing transactions in parallel.

Keywords: cryptocurrency DeFi Dapps Zilliqa user decentralized finance

How User Friendly Terra Luna DeFi Ecosystem is Today?

Terra Luna will strive to become the decentralized finance of tokenize real world assets but how user friendly is its DeFi ecosystem today?

Keywords: cryptocurrency DeFi Dapps Terra Luna user decentralized finance

How User Friendly Solana DeFi Ecosystem is Today?

Many users already know that Solana can run fifty thousands smart contracts per second but how user friendly is Solana DeFi ecosystem today?

Keywords: cryptocurrency DeFi DAPP Solana user decentralized finance

How User Friendly Polygon (Matic) DeFi Ecosystem is Today?

Coinbase wallet supports Polygon and crypto.com supports its deposit and withdrawal, many for portfolio generator, and many trading tools.

Keywords: cryptocurrency DeFi Polygon Matic user decentralized finance

How User Friendly Binance Smart Chain DeFi Ecosystem is Today?

Trust wallet supports BSC and Binance supports its direct deposit and withdrawal, many for portfolio generator, and DEX Guru trading tools.

Keywords: cryptocurrency DeFi Binance Smart Chain BSC user decentralized finance

Now Avalanche C-Chain is as User Friendly as Other DeFi Ecosystem

Trust wallet supports AVAX C-Chain, Binance supports direct deposit and withdrawal, Markr for portfolio, and DEX Guru provides trading tools.

Keywords: cryptocurrency DeFi Avalanche C-Chain user

Kesalahpahaman tentang Minimum 1 Lot dan Investasi dan Trading Itu Mahal

Pertama kali saya bilang harga Bitcoin kepada generasi lebih tua, tanggapan mereka harganya sangat mahal dan mereka tidak punya Rp 700 juta.

Keywords: mata uang kripto pecahan investasi perdagangan keuangan

Misconception of The Minimum 1 Lot and The Investing and Trading is Expensive

The first time I showed Bitcoin price to older generations their immediate respond was that it is very expensive and they do not have $50000.

Keywords: cryptocurrency fraction investing trading finance

Panduan Singkat Kucoin Mobile

Bitcoin dan Ethereum tersedia di setiap bursa sementara permata tersembunyi seperti Kucoin Share KCS hanya tersedia di bursa Kucoin.

Keywords: mata uang kripto Kucoin bursa internasional setor tarik Indonesia

Quick Guide to Kucoin Mobile

Bitcoin and Ethereum are probably available in every exchange while a hidden gem like Kucoin Share KCS is only available in Kucoin exchange.

Keywords: cryptocurrency Kucoin international exchange deposit withdrawal

Panduan Singkat Tokocrypto Mobile

Ini adalah panduan singkat untuk Tokocrypto bursa mata uang kripto lokal di Indonesia, merupakan salah satu kebutuhan untuk memulai kripto.

Keywords: mata uang kripto Tokocrypto pertukaran lokal bank uang tunai

Quick Guide to Tokocrypto Mobile

This is a quick guide to Tokocrypto a local cryptocurrency exchange in Indonesia which can be one of the necessities to begin in crypto.

Keywords: cryptocurrency Tokocrypto local exchange bank cash

Panduan Singkat Trust Wallet Mobile

Panduan singkat untuk Trust Wallet dompet mata uang kripto pribadi non-kustodian, merupakan salah satu kebutuhan untuk memulai dalam kripto.

Keywords: mata uang kripto dompet pribadi Trust Wallet mengirim menerima

Quick Guide to Trust Wallet Mobile

This is a quick guide to Trust Wallet a personal and non-custodial cryptocurrency wallet which is one of the necessities to begin in crypto.

Keywords: cryptocurrency personal wallet Trust Wallet sending receiving

Panduan Singkat Coingecko Mobile

Merupakan panduan singkat untuk coingecko mobile, salah satu sumber informasi mata uang kripto yang dibutuhkan untuk memulai dalam kripto.

Keywords: mata uang kripto sumber informasi coingecko fundamental sentiment

Quick Guide to Coingecko Mobile

This is a quick guide to coingecko mobile, one of the sources of cryptocurrency information, one of the necessities to begin in crypto.

Keywords: cryptocurrency information source coingecko fundamental sentiment

Panduan Singkat Mata Uang Kripto untuk Pengguna Baru

Hal-hal penting untuk mulai menggunakan mata uang kripto adalah sumber informasi, dompet pribadi, bursa lokal, dan internasional.

Keywords: mata uang kripto sumber informasi dompet pribadi bursa lokal bursa internasional

Quick Guide to Cryptocurrency for New Users

The quick essentials to start using cryptocurrency are information sources, personal wallets, local exchanges, and international exchanges.

Keywords: cryptocurrency information source personal wallet local exchange international exchange

My Blogger Income April 2021 Less Blogging Chasing The Bull Market

April was the middle of the bull market and I decided to stop blogging and chase the profits through gem hunting.

Keywords: cryptocurrency income self employed unemployed blogging bull market gem hunting

Why Harvest Finance is Better even though Binance Smart Chain Low Fees

In Binance Smart Chain, Harvest Finance saves around a hundred dollar assuming auto compounding everyday, then how much saved on Ethereum?

Keywords: cryptocurrency DeFi yield farming Harvest Finance BinanceFARMer Binance Smart Chain decentralized finance

Flano Swap Potentially The First to Lead DeFi on Cardano

Flano Swap can potentially be the first and leading AMM DEX with Yield Farming, ADA Launchpad, and NFT Market Place on Cardano blockchain.

Keywords: cryptocurrency Flano Swap Cardano DeFi NFT AMM DEX Yield Farming Launchpad ADA

Binance Smart Chain and Yield Farming Portfolio Tools Early 2021

While in Ethereum there are Zerion and Dextools, in Binance Smart Chain there are Ape Board Finance, Yield Watch, Poo Coin, and JDI Yield.

Keywords: cryptocurrency DeFi yield farming portfolio Binance Smart Chain

List of Yield Farming Craziness DEX on BSC Early 2021

On average there is one DEX on each chain (AVAX, MATIC, NEO, TRX, EOS, TOMO, NRG, IOST, QTUM, SOL, ZIL) while BSC have crazy amount of DEXs.

Keywords: cryptocurrency DeFi yield farming decentralized exchange Binance Smart Chain

Low Risk Yield Farming Using Fiat Stable Coins Early 2021

While yield farming using cryptocurrency coins are attractive it is susceptible to price devaluation but farming using stable coin does not.

Keywords: cryptocurrency yield farming stable coin fiat defi decentralized finance Dollar

My Blogger Income March 2021 New Profession

This month I have made my determination to charge through the walls despite not reaching my goal which was to win 1000 months worth salary.

Keywords: cryptocurrency income self employed unemployed blogging determination profession

Presearch to be Decentralized Search Engine for New Users and Investors

Presearch is transparent because it is built on the blockchain with the future vision to be driven by the community and respect our privacy.

Keywords: cryptocurrency Presearch search engine decentralization advertising

List of Decentralized Exchanges that Emerged in Early 2021 Outside of Ethereum with Affordable Fees

Other than Ethereum there are Binance Smart Chain, Tron, Tomo Chain, Polygon, Neo, Zilliqa, Solana, Avalanche, Energi, QTUM, OKEX, Cosmos...

Keywords: cryptocurrency DeFi DEX AMM yield farming Ethereum Binance Smart Chain Tron Tomo Chain Polygon Matic Neo Zilliqa Solana Avalanche Energi QTUM OKEX Chain Cosmos Sif Chain Stellar Lumen Ethereum Classic IOST Bitcoin Cash Steem Hive

My Blogger Income February 2021 Busy and Missed Out

The bull market started when I was recruited for the current project, busy that I even missed the news of Elon Musk in Bitcoin and Dogecoin.

Keywords: cryptocurrency income self employed unemployed blogging busy missed out

My Story About Upland Earth Metaverse on EOS Blockchain for New Players

Upland is a decentralized application (dapp) currently on the EOS blockchain and all our assets are recorded on chain proving our ownership.

Keywords: cryptocurrency Upland metaverse EOS gaming

Torum Media Sosial Kripto Situs Mobile Tayang

Sebelumnya kami tidak bisa mengakses Torum menggunakan mode mobile dan harus pindah ke mode desktop, akhirnya mereka merilis website mobile.

Keywords: mata uang kripto Torum mobile media sosial referral duta besar

Torum Crypto Social Media Mobile Website Live

Previously, we cannot access Torum using mobile mode and have to switch to desktop mode everytime, they finally released the mobile website.

Keywords: cryptocurrency Torum mobile social media referral ambassador

Paid IEEE Membership With Bitcoin Through Vandle Cryptoable Prepaid Visa Card

Good thing I applied for and got a Visa Card during my time in Japan that can be topped up with cryptocurrency to pay for IEEE membership.

Keywords: cryptocurrency Bitcoin Vandle Visa card prepaid IEEE

Should We Farm? My Yield Farming Theoretical Calculation Opinion

Other than the fees and the APY, it really depends on the future value both assets and harvests. To Farm, not farm, or just buy the harvest.

Keywords: cryptocurrency DeFi yield farming Harvest Finance CropSpotter

My Blogger Income January 2021 Being Lazy but Unexpected

I made $89 by crypto blogging which was unexpected because I was slacking off after new year and maybe because cryptocurrency price increase

Keywords: cryptocurrency income self employed unemployed blogging slacking new year

Mendukung Media Sosial Kripto Torum Seperti Duta Besar dengan Menanggapi Posting Terkait Lainnya

Saya tahu empat pendekatan yaitu sebagai pendukung, sebagai pihak ketiga yang objektif, sebagai penjahat ketiga, dan sebagai pelapor.

Keywords: mata uang kripto Torum media sosial menanggapi mendukung lainnya referral duta besar

Supporting Crypto Social Media Torum Like an Ambassador by Responding to Others Related Posts

I know four approaches which are as a supporter up to an evangelist, as an objective 3rd party, as a 3rd party villain, and as an informer.

Keywords: cryptocurrency Torum social media respond support others referral ambassador

Bagaimana Mendukung Crypto Social Media Torum di Platform Lain

Dengan mendukung akun mereka yang lain akan meningkatkan kehadiran mereka di platform lain, dan akan menarik lebih banyak pengguna ke Torum.

Keywords: cryptocurrency Torum lain media sosial dukungan referral duta besar

How to Support Crypto Social Media Torum on Other Platforms

By supporting their other accounts will increase their presence on other platforms and thus attracting more users to Torum and help it grow.

Keywords: cryptocurrency Torum other social media support referral ambassador

Hubungan komunitas krypto lebih dekat dengan klan dan perusahaan di Torum tetapi apa yang terlewatkan?

Meskipun fitur klan dan perusahaan di Torum menyatukan komunitas kripto, masalahnya adalah kurangnya tokoh terkenal dan peniruan identitas.

Keywords: mata uang kripto Torum terkenal peniruan media sosial klan perusahaan referral duta besar

Crypto community closer relationship with clan and company in Torum but what are they missing?

While clan and company feature in Torum attracts crypto communities together but the problem is lack of famous figures and impersonations.

Keywords: cryptocurrency Torum famous impersonation social media clan company referral ambassador

Grandma is shocked by the multiplying Ampleforth and shocked again by the missing Ampleforth

If the price is above $1 then more people demands more coins. If the price is below $1 then there is too much coins and less people demands.

Keywords: cryptocurrency Ampleforth ELI5AMPL elastic supply demand

My End of Year 2020 Cryptocurrency Investment Report

I lost almost $1000 in 2019 but survived in 2020. I learned that I should invest small so that I can grab more opportunity in the future.

Keywords: cryptocurrency investment trade report portfolio profit loss

My End of Year 2020 Blogging Income Report

I made $88 by crypto blogging this month with total $771 this year, most of my urgent personal mission had finished but hope I can continue.

Keywords: cryptocurrency income self employed unemployed blogging

Tema dan NFT Hadiah kripto Torum

Hanya memberi XTM membosankan, lebih asyik memberikan kartu hadiah artistik dan akhirnya kartu hadiah memiliki beberapa utilitas dengan NFT.

Keywords: mata uang kripto Torum NFT kartu hadiah media sosial non fungible token ngetip seni referral duta besar

Torum's Crypto Gift Themes and NFTs

Instead gifting the boring x amount of XTM, we give artistic gift cards and finally they have some utilities where NFTs of them are made.

Keywords: cryptocurrency Torum NFT gift cards social media non fungible token tipping art referral ambassador

0fajarpurnama0 Cryptocurrency Portfolio 2020

Keywords: cryptocurrency portofolio holding profit loss initial current dollar Coingecko API jQuery HTML CSS JavaScript JSON

Permintaan Awal Saya Tentang Media Sosial Kripto Torum

Lima tuntutan saya adalah penyortiran pos, pengategorian pemberitahuan, peniti utas, preferensi tanda pagar, dan pengingat tanda pagar wajib

Keywords: mata uang kripto Torum permintaan fitur media sosial referral duta besar

My Early Demands on Torum Crypto Social Media

My five demands are post sorting, notification categorizing, thread pinning, hashtag and sorting preference, and hashtag must use reminder.

Keywords: cryptocurrency Torum demands features social media referral ambassador

Torum juga dibombardir oleh spam tetapi mengapa kita tidak perlu khawatir untuk saat ini.

Hampir semua spammer mencuri XTM untuk dijual, jadi apresiasi harga turun tetapi jangan khawatir untuk saat ini.

Keywords: mata uang kripto Torum persyaratan layanan spam media sosial referral duta besar

Torum also got bombarded by spams but why you should not worry for now.

Almost all spammers steals XTM to sell, so the price appreciation drops but do not worry for now as none of these can happen now.

Keywords: cryptocurrency Torum terms of services spam social media referral ambassador

About RFND Investment and the first SLP token I knew

The chronological order to understand $RFND is to learn Bitcoin Cash, Simple Ledger Protocol, the token's past events, finally light paper.

Keywords: cryptocurrency RFND Bitcoin Cash Simple Ledger Protocol refund

Bityard Cryptocurrency Contract Exchange Mobile Friendly Website Exploration

These are not screenshots of their mobile application but screenshots of their mobile friendly website on the browser to enjoy copy trading.

Keywords: cryptocurrency TradewithBityard exchange copy trading mobile contract derivative future trading referral

Mata Uang Kripto 101 untuk Pengguna BAB 5 Gerbang ke Pasar Bebas

Anda bisa jadi memilih untuk tidak membeli karena berbagai alasan. Bab ini menyajikan metode lain untuk mendapatkan mata uang kripto.

Keywords: mata uang kripto 101 pengguna bebas pasar

Cryptocurrency 101 for Users Chapter 5 Gate to The Free Market

The two default way to get cryptocurrency is to mine and to buy. However, you may chose not to buy for various of reasons. This chapter presents other methods of getting cryptocurrency.

Keywords: cryptocurrency 101 users free market

Send Your ETH to Smart Contract to Convert to ETH 2.0 (Is this a scam?! BEWARE!!)

ETH users are asked to sent to a claimed to be a smart contract address to convert to ETH 2.0 while most transactions are irreversible which could be a scam.

Keywords: cryptocurrency Ethereum ETH2.0 smart contract scam phising

Pengingat untuk tidak Melampaui Harapan Kebebasan di Torum

Selain dari segi layanan, tim dan kantor pusatnya diketahui yang bisa menjadi sasaran regulator, sehingga tidak bisa seenaknya.

Keywords: mata uang kripto Torum terms of services regulasi media sosial referral duta besar

Reminder to not Exceed your Freedom Expectation in Torum

Other than its terms of services, the team and headquarter are known which can be targeted by regulators, thus you cannot expect total freedom.

Keywords: cryptocurrency Torum terms of services regulation social media referral ambassador

Tim & Kantor Pusat dan Siapa yang Harus Diikuti di Torum

Dimana kantor pusat Torum? Berita eksklusif tidak ditulis di situs web dan whitepaper mereka. Siapa tim dan siapa yang harus diikuti?

Keywords: mata uang kripto Torum markas tim diikuti media sosial referral perusahaan duta besar

The Team & Headquarter and Who to Follow on Torum

Where is Torum's headquarter? Exclusive news not currently written on their website and whitepaper. Who are the teams and who to follow?

Keywords: cryptocurrency Torum headquarter team following social media referral company ambassador

This is my Story and Lesson about my First Big Wreck in Trading Ampleforth

The story is I loss $600 trading AMPL and the lesson learned to always make my own decision and never invest more than I can afford to lose.

Keywords: cryptocurrency Ampleforth wreck story lesson loss ampl investment trading friend decision AMPLMeme

My Blogger Income November 2020 and Personal Missions

I made $126 by crypto blogging and I have personal missions to accomplish before I am willing to let go of this job.

Keywords: cryptocurrency income self employed unemployed blogging mission personal introduce myself

Torum Menuju Gamifikasi Ekosistem Media Sosial Kripto

Sebelumnya, saya menulis tentang hadiah misi dan sekarang tentang referral, tip, klan, dan sistem perusahaan saat ini.

Keywords: mata uang kripto Torum sosial media klan ngetip referral perusahaan gamifikasi duta besar

Torum Towards Gamifying The Crypto Social Media Ecosystem

Previously, I wrote about the mission rewards and now is about the current referral, tipping, clan, and company system.

Keywords: cryptocurrency Torum social media clan tipping referral company gamification ambassador

Variasi Misi dapat membuat Media Sosial Kripto Torum Menyenangkan

Platform media sosial kripto Torum menyenangkan melalui gamifikasi. Siapa sih yang tidak menyukai berbagai misi, terutama para gamer?

Keywords: mata uang kripto Torum media sosial misi variasi kesenangan

Various Missions Makes Torum Crypto Social Media Fun

Torum cryto powered social media platform fun through gamification. Who does not love various missions, especially gamers?

Keywords: cryptocurrency Torum social media mission variety fun

The Crops Utilities a Homework for DeFi Farming

What is this yield farming craziness? it is just putting your tokens and get a new token with fancy food names.

Keywords: cryptocurrency DeFiFARMer yield farming harvest finance utility

My Unemployed or Selfemployed Income as a Blogger October 2020

I made $142 by crypto blogging which is enough for a month but if I don't improve, I have to give up due to society pressure and find a job.

Keywords: cryptocurrency income self employed unemployed blogging

Can DEXG Speculative AMM Minimize Price Manipulation and Distribute Ownerships?

Speculative AMM defines price differently. Therefore whales should not be able to pressure the price on DEXG exchange as much as on regular exchanges.

Keywords: DEXTokenDeFined cryptocurrency decentralized exchange Speculative AMM whale

Mata Uang Kripto 101 untuk Pengguna BAB 4 Bagaimana Mendapatkannya Jika Tidak Bisa Membelinya

Anda bisa jadi memilih untuk tidak membeli karena berbagai alasan. Bab ini menyajikan metode lain untuk mendapatkan mata uang kripto.

Keywords: mata uang kripto 101 pengguna gratis penghasilan

Cryptocurrency 101 for Users Chapter 4 How to Obtain if You Cannot Buy

The two default way to get cryptocurrency is to mine and to buy. However, you may chose not to buy for various of reasons. This chapter presents other methods of getting cryptocurrency.

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Mata Uang Kripto 101 untuk Pengguna BAB 1 Kebebasan Finansial dan Kekayaan

Dengan Bitcoin dan mata uang kripto lainnya, secara regulatori dapat dilarang tetapi secara teknis tidak dapat dihentikan atau disensor, secara teknis tidak dapat disita dimana satu-satunya cara adalah dengan membujuk, menekan, atau menipu pemilik untuk menyerahkan diri.

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Cryptocurrency 101 for Users Chapter 1 The Freedom of Finance and Wealth

With Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency, regulatorily can be banned but technically cannot be stopped or censored, technically cannot be confiscated where the only way is to persuade, pressure, or social engineer the owners to hand over themselves.

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Mata Uang Kripto 101 untuk Pengguna BAB 2 Memasuki Ruangan

Untuk memasuki ruang mata uang kripto diperlukan media disebut dompet mata uang kripto yang dapat dibawa ke mana saja di dunia.

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Cryptocurrency 101 for Users Chapter 2 Entering The Space

To enter the cryptocurrency space, you need a medium that can receive, send, and perform other interactions with those coins. A simple medium is called a cryptocurrency wallet which you can carry to anywhere in the world. The first category division of a wallet is divided into three either custodial, semi-custodial or non-custodial.

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0fajarpurnama0 Cryptocurrency Portfolio 2020

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Statera's' Twist Deflation and Balancer Loop

For deflation to be attractive, it must occur due to market movement. Like BOMB, Statera burns 1% of each transaction. Now, the question is, how to make people perform more transaction? Ofcourse, the answer is to deliver value. One of the best way to deliver value is to have a product and what product does Statera provides? A balancer, a great product to twist deflation.

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ChangeNOW is one of the platforms that provides widgets for bloggers like me where all you need to do is to paste the code provided on your widget section.

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Mata Uang Kripto 101 Untuk Pengguna Bab 3 Koneksi ke Sistem Perbankan Sekarang

Sekalipun mata uang kripto berpotensi menjadi revolusi di bidang keuangan, itu tetap hanya sebuah potensi. Ini berarti Anda tidak dapat beralih dari sistem fiat tersentralisasi saat ini ke sistem desentralisasi baru seperti menjentikkan sakelar atau mengubah bit dari 0 ke 1 dan sebaliknya. Ini karena era desentralisasi keuangan belum tiba.

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Cryptocurrency 101 for Users Chapter 3 Connection to Current Banking System

Eventhough cryptocurrency can potentially be a revolution in finance, is still only a potential. This means that you cannot switch from the current centralized fiat system to the new decentralized system like flicking a switch or changing a bit from 0 to 1 and vice versa. This is because the age of decentralized finance has not yet come.

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Essential User Interface Checklist for Atomic Wallet

One of my favorite feature is in wallet staking. Atomic wallet allows you to stake while keeping your private keys.

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Publish0x Content Platform that Tips both Publishers and Readers in Crypto Tokens

The tipping does not come from your pocket, Publish0x sponsors your tipping and you can get a share of that tipping. In other words, both you the reader and the writer gets paid. Technically, you decide how Publish0x monetize the readers and the writers.

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Tipping tidak datang dari saku Anda tetapi Publish0x mensponsori tip Anda dan Anda bisa mendapatkan bagian dari tip itu. Dengan kata lain, Anda sebagai pembaca dan penulis dibayar. Secara teknis, Anda memutuskan bagaimana Publish0x menghasilkan uang dari pembaca dan penulis.

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Loopring memungkinkan siapa saja untuk membangun pertukaran berbasiskan throughput, non-penahanan, orderbook di Ethereum dengan memanfaatkan Zero-Knowledge Proofs. Loopring diklaim aman, throughput tinggi, dan biaya rendah.

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Loopring allows anyone to build high-throughput, non-custodial, orderbook-based exchanges on Ethereum by leveraging Zero-Knowledge Proofs. Loopring is claimed to be secure, high throughput, and low cost.

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Investment Watchlist Desktop Widget

You may find yourselves having frequent urges to see the price. It happened to me, and I felt like wasted a lot of time and energy doing so.

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Desktop Widget Pantauan

Anda mungkin sering merasa ingin melihat harga asset investasi. Itu terjadi pada saya, dan saya merasa membuang banyak waktu dan energi untuk itu.

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Question Checklist Before You Buy Bitcoin

In 2 days the bitcoin price crashed from around $9000 to $5000. Have you learned your lesson? This is a question directed not to professional traders, supporter, or technologist, but to you who are only here to get rich quick.

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Use my code HNRCWSLFLF when registering at https://www.btcbox.co.jp and we both get ¥500. Don't miss the chance especially if you are in Japan.

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Coinbase is giving away coins for taking their free course.

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4 Browsers that Rewards Users in Cryptocurrency

The 4 browsers that rewards users in cryptocurrency are Brave Browser, Netbox Browser, Bittube Browser or Extension, and Cryptotab Browser.

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4 Browser yang Memberi Koin Kripto

4 Browser yang Memberi Koin Kripto adalah Brave Browser, Netbox Browser, Bittube Browser atau Extension, dan Cryptotab Browser.

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