- Currencies in your banks will be gone.
- Food, Water, Shelter.
- Knowledge, experience, strength, ability, networking.
- Gold and other precious metals.
- Properties, real estates, and land.
- Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
- Stocks.
- Business and other assets.
- Fiat.
- Certificate of deposit, bonds, mutual funds, and stakes.
Will be too late. Maybe you still have a chance to exchange your fiat as fast as possible, but most likely no one wants them anymore.

2. Current Way Advice: return to old way or find new way.
- Overall, increase your knowledge, experience, strength, ability, networking.
- Get help: The more people you know the better so increase your network but close or trusted friends are far better.
- Return to nature: learn how to harvest food from plants, find clean water, hunt for food, fishing, dig for insects, build tree houses, farming, etc.
- Self defense: learn martial arts, fighting, increase your physics, agility, flexibility, etc because security no longer functions when the system is down.
- Return to barter: currency is useless now, trade items and services.
- Be a child again and start your adventure or start exploring.
- Learn cultivation, meditation, relaxation, sit near trees, etc.
- Pray.