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The Deals of Going to School

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word number: 1499

Time: 2024-10-02 15:37:44 +0000

As a businessman, entrepreneur, or investor it is important to know of how to find deals, how to evaluate deals, how to make deals, and how to seal deals. Looking from certain lenses, going to school can also be seen as a deal. Here I will state my deals perspective of going to school based on different variables and evaluated in likert scale.


School can either cost or pay you.

  1. Student loan is the worst deal. To study, you need to be in bad debt.
  2. Expensive cost is a bad deal. It cost you a lot of money to study.
  3. Affordable cost is an okay deal. Most people are here.
  4. Conditional scholarship is a good deal. Eventhough you have to work for few years afterwards but you are still paid during both studying and working.
  5. Unconditional scholarship is the best deal. You get paid for studying and you are free after that.


If you are forced to go to school or chose the wrong field, you need free time to do your passion.

  1. Enslavement is the worst deal. You are exploited to do this and to do that for example, you are being treated as a paper machine.
  2. Busy is a bad deal. You barely have enough time for yourself, when are you going to start doing what you want to do?
  3. Balance is an okay deal. Put just enough effort to finish school but do what you are passionate about on your free time.
  4. Leisure is a good deal. You will have the time to do your passion or main goal, don’t waste it.
  5. Freedom is the best deal. This happens during my PhD, I am in charge of my own schedule of when I should work and when I should not and only obligated to report every week and I performed well with minimum effort while the rest of the time I used them to catch up with the history of the world, the economy, news, and learn what I am passionate about such as investing.


  1. Being forced to school is the worst deal. Almost all the time being forced never turns right or at the very least a bad affect in the long run.
  2. Want to go to school but found out later that the field doesn’t suit is a bad deal. Quickly change or get out.
  3. The school is below your expectation is an okay deal.
  4. The school is in line with your passion is a good deal.
  5. The school is beyond your expectation is the best deal.

Education Quality


  1. Worst quality = worst deal.
  2. Bad quality = bad deal.
  3. Okay quality = okay deal.
  4. Good quality = good deal.
  5. Best quality = best deal.

Social Network

If the school is:

  1. Filled with hostile students is the worst deal. If you can convert them into friends is a great thing, great skill to learn, great experience but very risky because they can destroy you.
  2. Filled with unsocial students doesn’t suit is a bad deal. It means nothing if you can’t befriend them.
  3. Filled with friendly students is an okay deal. Why you should go to school instead of homeschooling is to make friends.
  4. Filled with achieving students is a good deal. They are potentially great partners in the future.
  5. Filled with friendly achieving students is the best deal. Less effort to find great partners.

My Schools’ Perspective

I’m not going to mention the schools, you may do a background check on me, here are my opinions:


Finance: affordable

Freedom: leisure

Passion: inline

Quality: okay

Social: friendly

Average: okay

Primary School

Finance: affordable

Freedom: balance

Passion: inline

Quality: best

Social: friendly

Average: okay

Junior High School

Finance: affordable

Freedom: balance

Passion: below expectation

Quality: okay

Social: friendly

Average: okay

Senior High School

Finance: affordable

Freedom: enslavement

Passion: below expectation

Quality: good

Social: achieving

Average: okay

Undergraduate School

Finance: affordable

Freedom: busy

Passion: below expectation

Quality: good

Social: friendly and achieving

Average: okay

Master’s Graduate School

Finance: unconditional scholarship

Freedom: leisure

Passion: inline

Quality: good

Social: friendly and achieving

Average: good

Doctoral Graduate School

Finance: unconditional scholarship

Freedom: free

Passion: beyond expectation

Quality: good

Social: friendly and achieving

Average: almost best

Considering going to school?

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